
Saturday, August 13, 2011

ORNG Ink presents Inkalicious

being new to the Orange NJ area we haven't had a chance to check out the local arts & festival scene, but today babyluv and I had the chance to swing pass ORNG Ink, a studio for emerging young artists presenting Inkalicious in the IronWorks in the Orange Valley Arts District.

they're having a small but pretty awesome festival with graphic artists, skateboard competitions, free tshirt silk screening workshops, musical performances and more! it's geared towards teens but there were folks of all ages enjoying good music, good art, good (free) food and a very good time!

there's art and clothes for sale too at great prices. for our first arts festival outing in Orange we picked a fabulous one!

excerpt from local rap artist Dizz's performance!

check out the rad things ORNG Ink is doing!!

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